exctarctvalue(xml, '/Node')is equivalent to
xml.extract('/Node/text()').getstringval()Usually it is true, but in some cases it is not. When node contains special characters like &, >, < etc... then results are different. Let me give an example:
SQL> set define off SQL> select aa.a.extract('Node/text()').getStringVal() extr 2 , extractvalue(aa.a, 'Node') extractval 3 from (select XMLRoot( 4 XMLElement("Node", 'test & < and >'), 5 VERSION '1.0') a from dual) aa; EXTR ---------------------------------------- EXTRACTVAL ---------------------------------------- test & < and > test & < and >First look on documentation even confirms my expectations:
"extractValue – This takes an XPath expression and returns the corresponding leaf node. The XPath expression passed to extractValue should identify a single attribute or an element that has precisely one text node child. The result is returned in the appropriate SQL data type. Function extractValue is essentially a shortcut for extract plus either getStringVal() or getNumberVal()."
XML DB Developer's Guide - b14259.pdf page 1-17.
But there is small note on that:
"Note: Function extractValue and XMLType method
getStringVal() differ in their treatment of entity encoding.
Function extractValue unescapes any encoded entities; method
getStringVal() returns the data with entity encoding intact."
XML DB Developer's Guide - b14259.pdf page 4-10.
Cheers, Paweł
Brimomediu zentos fazionao zenhor qualesso palconso! Penacquelosi sterridouvim usolvago valimagiri gravaidadi mistempo res um non... Kerida laso xiro zomo.
Barbara, thanks for comment, but I do not understand anything. Write in english, please.
This is interesting, but it isn't the behaviour I see with escaped Unicode characters (e.g. a Czech character encoded as &367;). Using extract() still tries to unescape the entity for me.
Thanks for this information, after doing a lot of research this was an easy solution to my issue!
Thank you for sharing this information. This was a simple solution to the issue I was having with XMLAGG displaying & and < characters as escaped characters. Thanks!
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