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Monday, August 27, 2007

DRCP: Database Resident Connection Pooling

Finally I've found time and managed to install Oracle 11g. I did it on Fedora Core 5 run in VMWare Server on Windows 2K Pro.
My first attempt was to install it on Fedora Core 6 but I didn't succeed, and even I managed to corrupt VM totally. My second try was to create new VM with FC5. I've applied all available updates, and tried to install Oracle 11g. Oracle gave warning that some packages do not match requirements, but after manually marking check-box it proceeded and installed successfully. And seems to be fully functional. Do not try this for production DB :)
After that I've spend lot of time trying to connect to this DB from my Windows box. I was reconfiguring VM Network setting, FC Network setting many times without any sign of progress. Finally I found out that it can be firewall that is causing problem. It was really silly that I spend so much time to solve so simple problem...
Any way my Oracle 11g is up and running, so I started to test one of th features that are in my interest: DRCP: Database Resident Connection Pooling.
I've enables DRCP:
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
And created sample user for tests:
SQL> create user pooltest identified by pool ;
User created.
SQL> grant connect to pooltest;
Grant succeeded.
I've added entry in TNSNAMES.ORA on Windows box:
And tried to connect using POOLED server:
c:\Temp>sqlplus pooltest/pool@db11gpool

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 27 22:30:08 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

ORA-56606: DRCP: Client version doesnot support the feature
So, DRCP needs proper client version to work. It's not a good news, as I thought that this will not require any changes at client side :(
I have to make my test on single box, or install Oracle on one more box (VM). Ok, first try from the same box where DB installed:
[oracle@vm111 admin]$ sqlplus pooltest/pool@db11gpool
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 27 22:41:51 2007
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Seems that I have to dig little more more to make it working.

Cheers, Paweł

UPDATE: Success story on DRCP in next post.

Copyright © Paweł Barut
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