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Thursday, September 25, 2008

OOW2008 day 4 – HP-Oracle Exadata Server Announcement = Extreme Performance

Written by Paweł Barut
Today is very busy day for me. It’s just after Larry Ellison keynote on which first Oracle Hardware was presented. I’m a little big skeptic if Oracle is realy going for hardware business. It is rather that Oracle had great idea how to solve problems with really big databases and growing demand for storage, and joined forces with HP to create new quality in data processing. So, how it looks: in one box we have 2 intel 4 core processors and 12 disks as storage – it is called The Exadata Programmable Storage Server. This machine is not storage, and is not pure DB Server as well. It can process queries (so it is DB), and it stores Data (so it is Storage). But it needs separate DB Server to work at full performance. How it works: DB Servers receives request for data. It then retries data from Exadata Storage Server, but data get initially filtered, so number of data transferred from Storage Server to DB Server is reduced. It allows much better overall performance.
At least this is my understanding. I will go also to DemoGround to get direct look at this machine, and more detailed specification.

Today I’ve also participated in few sessions.
Soup-to-Nuts RAD Development Using Oracle SQL Developer and Oracle Application Express It was quick show how to create simple application using APEX and SQL Developer. It focused on modeling capabilities of SQL Dev, and integration between APEX and SQL Dev. It was shown, how to view APEX objects in SQL Dev, and how to leverage this integration. There was also presentation of new functionality in APEX to migrate Oracle Forms to APEX.

Agile Database Testing Techniques (IOUG) This was very interesting session giving practical inside on how to organize unit tests in DB, how to validate that upgrade scripts run successfully, and how to prepare DB environment for Daily Builds. Presenter shared his real world experience and this was the biggest value of this session.

SQL Tuning Roundtable with the Experts This one was rather boring, as topics and answers were almost exactly the same as on session “Inside Oracle Database 11g Optimizer: Removing the Mystery” that I was participating yesterday.

Now I’m sitting in OCP Louge, and in few minutes I’m going for last session Managing Very, Very Large XML Documents with Oracle XML Database and then for The Appreciation Event.


BTW. This is my post # 100.
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